Frequent questions
This is a compilation of the most frequent questions that, according to our experience, may arise during your visit to the Calzados Buonarotti website, your online shoe distributor.
We are one of the main Wholesale Shoe Showcases in Elche. We are a Footwear Wholesaler and we are dedicated to the Import and Export of Wholesale Footwear for Spain, Europe and Other Countries. We sell Wholesale Shoes for Women and Girls Online as well as in our Shoe Store at Pol. Carrús in Elche. Alicante. Spain.
Prices do not include VAT, or equivalence surcharge if applicable.
Once registered, you have 6 months of validity to access our website. If you do not make any purchases during these 6 months, the account is deactivated. To activate the account again, contact Customer Service.
If you make a purchase during these 3 months, you will have 6 months of validity to access our online shoe sampler. The purchase can be made by phone, email or in the store.
If you forget the password or the user, you can request assistance on the Customer Service phone or via email.
If you have received the wrong order or have questions about your order, please contact Customer Service.
We have a shoe store at Av. de Novelda, 191 - 03206 Elche, Alicante. If you wish, you can visit us in person.
Yes, we try to make all the models we have in stock available in our online shoe sampler.
The items in our catalog are divided into different categories. Once inside each category you will be able to see the great variety of models of each one.
Registration is required to place an order. Register Here . If you are a merchant and would like to purchase products, please select merchandise, and add it to your cart.
At any time you can see your shopping cart in the upper right corner of the page, click on "My Cart".
In your shopping cart, you can delete products and change the number of goods purchased, then finish the purchase process. Find out how to buy here
After placing an order online, we will send you an e-mail in your mailbox.
Your email account may have filtered email from Calzados Buonarotti as spam. Please check this tray.
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